Aakash Educational Services Limited Logo

Aakash Educational Services Limited

E-Learning Providers · India · Over 10,000 Employees


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Over 10,000
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Classroom Coaching for NEET/JEE, Coaching on Aakash iTutor, Coaching through Aakash Live, DLP for Medical-Engineering, Engineering (IIT-JEE Main & Advanced) Coaching, Medical (NEET-AIIMS) Coaching, Short-Term Crash Courses for NEET-JEE, Short-Term Test Series Courses for NEET-JEE, Test Preparation Centre
Aakash Educational Services Limited (AESL) is a leading test-prep company in India with a strong legacy of over 35 years, that provides comprehensive test preparatory services for students preparing for Medical (NEET) and Engineering Entrance Examinations (JEE read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Aakash Educational Services Limited founded?

Aakash Educational Services Limited was founded in 1988.

Where is Aakash Educational Services Limited headquartered?

Aakash Educational Services Limited is headquartered in India.

What is Aakash Educational Services Limited's official website?

Aakash Educational Services Limited's official website is http://www.aakash.ac.in.

What industry does Aakash Educational Services Limited specialize in?

Aakash Educational Services Limited specializes in E-Learning Providers, Education, Higher Education.

Where do Aakash Educational Services Limited employees typically work in?

Aakash Educational Services Limited employees typically work in India, United States, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Pakistan, Others.

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