AD Plastik Group Logo

AD Plastik Group

Motor Vehicle Manufacturing · Croatia · 201 ~ 500 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
201 ~ 500
Company Type
Public Company
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Air ducts, Blow moulding, Body trims, Bumpers, Cockpit modules, Door panels, Extrusion, Floor carpets, Grab handles, Injection moulding, Instrument panels, Non-woven textie, Painting, Static and dynamic seals, Sun visors, Thermoforming
AD Plastik Group is the biggest manufacturer of plastic car components in Croatia and one of the largest in Eastern Europe. We are trusted supplier of quality parts and equipment for the international automobile industry, collaborating with our clients from th read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was AD Plastik Group founded?

AD Plastik Group was founded in 1992.

Where is AD Plastik Group headquartered?

AD Plastik Group is headquartered in Croatia.

What is AD Plastik Group's official website?

AD Plastik Group's official website is

What industry does AD Plastik Group specialize in?

AD Plastik Group specializes in Motor Vehicle Manufacturing.

Where do AD Plastik Group employees typically work in?

AD Plastik Group employees typically work in Croatia, Serbia, Russia, Singapore, United States, Slovenia, Others.

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