Appier Logo


IT Services and IT Consulting · Taiwan (Province of China) · 501 ~ 1,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
501 ~ 1,000
Company Type
Public Company
Social Media
AIQUA - Proactive User Engagement Platform, AIRIS - AI-powered Customer Data Platform, AIXON - Customer Data Science Platform, AIXON - Intelligent Data Augmentation Platform, AIXPERT - Campaign Automation Platform, AiDeal - Intelligent Conversion Booster, Artificial Intelligence & Data Mining, BotBonnie - Conversational Marketing Solutions, Business & Marketing Intelligence, Cross-Screen Analytics & Data Intelligence, CrossX - User Acquisition Platform, Marketing & Advertising
Appier is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to power business decision-making. Founded in 2012 with a vision of democratizing AI, Appier now has 17 offices across APAC, Europe and U.S., and is listed on the Tokyo Sto read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Appier founded?

Appier was founded in 2012.

Where is Appier headquartered?

Appier is headquartered in Taiwan (Province of China).

What is Appier's official website?

Appier's official website is

What industry does Appier specialize in?

Appier specializes in IT Services and IT Consulting.

Where do Appier employees typically work in?

Appier employees typically work in Taiwan (Province of China), Singapore, United States, Japan, Hong Kong SAR, South Korea, Others.

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