Asyad International Company Limited Logo

Asyad International Company Limited

Oil and Gas · Saudi Arabia · 51 ~ 200 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
51 ~ 200
Company Type
Privately Held
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Airline supply installation works, All type of lighting fixtures installation, All types of Culverts, All types of Culverts, Manholes & Trenches Constructions, Blasting and Painting, Building & Structural foundations construction and erection, Cable trays and or Trunks, Cabling, Cabling, Splicing & Termination, Calibration works, Cathodic protection, Civil Works, Commercial & residential building constructions, Desalination Plant works, Drain pit construction, Drainage & Sewer lines, Electrical Heat tracing, Electrical Works, Engineering & Construction, Equipment Installation, Excavation and back filling works, Fence works, Field instruments installations, Fire Alarm System, Grounding Plate & Bar Installation, Grounding well installation, HVAC works, ISO Consultancy Services, Industrial, Industrial Plant piping works, Industrial Plants sea water intake Canal rehabilitation & constructions, Industrial, Commercial & residential building constructions, Instrument equipment installation, Instrument power supply, Instrumentation Works, Land survey & Site preparation, Lighting rod and pole installation, Main cable installation works, Maintenance works, Manholes & Trenches Constructions, Mechanical Works, Mechanical structural works, Overhead power supply, Painting works, Pressure Lead piping Installation works, Scaffolding services, Secondary cabling works, Splicing & Termination, Telecommunication Works, Tourism & Travels Services, Travel & Tourism Services, supply of Manpower & equipment
Asyad International Company Ltd. is a 100% Saudi-owned and an ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 certified Company serving the needs of the Petrochemical and Industrial Plants as well as the ever expanding infrastructure in the Kingdom since 19 read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Asyad International Company Limited founded?

Asyad International Company Limited was founded in 1994.

Where is Asyad International Company Limited headquartered?

Asyad International Company Limited is headquartered in Saudi Arabia.

What is Asyad International Company Limited's official website?

Asyad International Company Limited's official website is

What industry does Asyad International Company Limited specialize in?

Asyad International Company Limited specializes in Oil and Gas.

Where do Asyad International Company Limited employees typically work in?

Asyad International Company Limited employees typically work in Saudi Arabia, Philippines, India, Oman, United Arab Emirates, United States, Others.

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