Bertrandt Group Logo

Bertrandt Group

Engineering Services · Germany · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Public Company
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Aerospace, Automation, Automobil, Automotive, Autonomous Driving, Chassis, Commercial Vehicles, Connectivity, Design Engineering, Design Modelling, Design Services, E-Mobility, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Electronics Development, Elektroindustrie, Elektronik, Energietechnik, Energy, Engineering, Engineering Services, Entwicklungsbegleitende Dienstleistungen, Environmental Friendliness, Fahrwerk, IT, Interieur, Interior, Internet of Things, Karosserie, Luftfahrt, Maschinen-/Anlagenbau, Mechanical and Plant Engineering, Medical Engineering, Medizintechnik, Modellbau/Rapid Technology, Motorcycle, Powertrain, Safety and Security, Shipbuilding, Simulation, Testing, Vehicle Body, Versuch
We are Bertrandt: an independent, international development service provider with long years of automotive expertise. We create technological solutions for our customers at any stage of the product development process with a focus on hot topics such as digital read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Bertrandt Group founded?

Bertrandt Group was founded in 1974.

Where is Bertrandt Group headquartered?

Bertrandt Group is headquartered in Germany.

What is Bertrandt Group's official website?

Bertrandt Group's official website is

What industry does Bertrandt Group specialize in?

Bertrandt Group specializes in Engineering Services, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing.

Where do Bertrandt Group employees typically work in?

Bertrandt Group employees typically work in Germany, France, United States, Spain, Romania, United Kingdom, Others.

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