Bouvet ASA Logo

Bouvet ASA

IT Services and IT Consulting · Norway · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Public Company
Social Media
Analytics, Application Management, Application development, Branding, Business Intelligence, Business Intelligence and Education and training, Business Process, CMS, Cloud, Collaboration, Consulting, Content, Creative design, Data science, Design, Digital communication, Enterprise Architecture, GDPR, Information Management, Infrastructure, Integration, Multi-channel strategy, Performance Management, Portals, Project management, SAP, SEO, Security, Service design, Sosial Media, System development, System integration, Test and Q&A, User experience, Web and Mobile
Bouvet er et ledende skandinavisk konsulentselskap som leverer tjenester innenfor teknologi, kommunikasjon og virksomhetsstyring. Bouvet har over 2 000 ansatte i 17 kontorer i Norge og Sverige. Bouvet leverer et integrert tjenestespekter bestående av utvikling read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Bouvet ASA founded?

Bouvet ASA was founded in 2002.

Where is Bouvet ASA headquartered?

Bouvet ASA is headquartered in Norway.

What is Bouvet ASA's official website?

Bouvet ASA's official website is

What industry does Bouvet ASA specialize in?

Bouvet ASA specializes in IT Services and IT Consulting.

Where do Bouvet ASA employees typically work in?

Bouvet ASA employees typically work in Norway, France, United States, Sweden, Morocco, United Kingdom, Others.

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