CSA Group Logo

CSA Group

Public Safety · Canada · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Non Profit
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Certification for Global Markets, Certification for North America, Codes & Standards, Construction & Building Products, Cybersecurity, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Energy Efficiency Verification, Functional Safety Evaluation & Certification, Home & Commercial Products, Industrial & Hazardous Locations Equipment, Marks & Labels, Medical & Laboratory Measurement Equipment, North American Field Evaluation Services, Personnel Certification, Power Generation & Energy Storage, Services for Retail, Standards Development, Testing & Certification, Third-Party Verification, Training & Education Programs
At CSA Group, we excel in addressing emerging, complex issues and technologies. CSA Group is comprised of two organizations: Standards Development and Testing, Inspection, & Certification. Not-for-Profit Standards Development: The mission of CSA Group’s Sta read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was CSA Group founded?

CSA Group was founded in 1919.

Where is CSA Group headquartered?

CSA Group is headquartered in Canada.

What is CSA Group's official website?

CSA Group's official website is http://www.csagroup.org.

What industry does CSA Group specialize in?

CSA Group specializes in Public Safety.

Where do CSA Group employees typically work in?

CSA Group employees typically work in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, China, Germany, India, Others.

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