Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale Logo

Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale

Armed Forces · Canada · Over 10,000 Employees


Company Size
Over 10,000
Company Type
Government Agency
Social Media
Contribute to International Peace and security/Contribution à la paix et à la sécurité internationales, Defending Canada/La défense du Canada, Defending North America/La défense de l'Amérique du Nord
The Department of National Defence (DND) is a Canadian government department responsible for defending Canada's interests and values at home and abroad, as well as contributing to international peace and security. DND is the largest department of the Governmen read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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US Army
US Army
United States
British Army
British Army
United Kingdom



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Where is Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale headquartered?

Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale is headquartered in Canada.

What is Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale's official website?

Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale's official website is

What industry does Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale specialize in?

Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale specializes in Armed Forces.

Where do Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale employees typically work in?

Department of National Defence/Ministère de la défense nationale employees typically work in Canada, United States, Philippines, South Africa, India, United Kingdom, Others.

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