Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia Logo

Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia

Health and Human Services · United States · 501 ~ 1,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
501 ~ 1,000
Company Type
Non Profit
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Crisis Counselling, autism, cerebral palsy, crisis counseling, foster care, group homes, head injuries, hearing and visual impairments, home and community based services, intellectual and developmental disabilities, mental health, mental retardation, military veterans, muscular dystrophy, residential services, spina bifida, spinal cord injuries, stroke
We strive to attract and engage team members with diverse lived experiences. We intentionally seek out and value uniqueness across race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, personality, disability and age. Easterseals UCP and PORT Health are trustwo read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia founded?

Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia was founded in 1940.

Where is Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia headquartered?

Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia is headquartered in United States.

What is Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia's official website?

Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia's official website is http://eastersealsucp.com.

What industry does Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia specialize in?

Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia specializes in Health and Human Services, Mental Health Care.

Where do Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia employees typically work in?

Easterseals UCP North Carolina & Virginia employees typically work in United States, Mexico, Netherlands, Others.

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