Electronic Arts (EA) Logo

Electronic Arts (EA)

Computer Games · United States · Over 10,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
Over 10,000
Company Type
Public Company
Social Media
Console Games, Development, Interactive Entertainment, Mobile Games, Publishing, Tech, Technology, Video Games
We exist to inspire the world to play. We put our people first, and we thrive off their diversity in our innovative technology and immersive storytelling. We’re doing the work to give everyone the space to be their full selves while giving back to our communit read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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United States



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When was Electronic Arts (EA) founded?

Electronic Arts (EA) was founded in 1982.

Where is Electronic Arts (EA) headquartered?

Electronic Arts (EA) is headquartered in United States.

What is Electronic Arts (EA)'s official website?

Electronic Arts (EA)'s official website is http://ea.com.

What industry does Electronic Arts (EA) specialize in?

Electronic Arts (EA) specializes in Computer Games, Entertainment Providers.

Where do Electronic Arts (EA) employees typically work in?

Electronic Arts (EA) employees typically work in United States, Canada, India, Romania, United Kingdom, Spain, Others.

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