Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd Logo

Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd

Wholesale Import and Export · Australia · 501 ~ 1,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
501 ~ 1,000
Company Type
Government Agency
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Administration, Apprenticeships and trainee ships, Harbour works, Leasing port lands, Marine Pilotage, Port Security, Port management, Quarry operations, Reclamation works, Ship loading and train unloading
Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) manages and operates the Port of Gladstone, including the Gladstone Marina and its recreational parklands, the Port of Rockhampton, the Port of Bundaberg and the Port of Maryborough (non-trading). We employ more than 700 peopl read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd founded?

Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd was founded in 1914.

Where is Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd headquartered?

Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd is headquartered in Australia.

What is Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd's official website?

Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd's official website is

What industry does Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd specialize in?

Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd specializes in Wholesale Import and Export.

Where do Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd employees typically work in?

Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd employees typically work in Australia, Jordan, Others.

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