Göteborgs Stad Logo

Göteborgs Stad

Government Administration · Sweden · 5,001 ~ 10,000 Employees


Company Size
5,001 ~ 10,000
Company Type
Government Agency
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US Army
US Army
United States
UK Civil Service
UK Civil Service
United Kingdom



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Where is Göteborgs Stad headquartered?

Göteborgs Stad is headquartered in Sweden.

What is Göteborgs Stad's official website?

Göteborgs Stad's official website is http://goteborg.se.

What industry does Göteborgs Stad specialize in?

Göteborgs Stad specializes in Government Administration.

Where do Göteborgs Stad employees typically work in?

Göteborgs Stad employees typically work in Sweden, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Turkey, Others.

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