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Herbert Smith Freehills

Human Resources Services · United Kingdom · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
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Anti-trust and competition, Capital markets, Compliance and regulatory, Cyber, Digital delivery, Dispute resolution, ESG, Employment, Employment, pensions and incentives, Energy, Environment and planning, Finance, Intellectual property, Investigations, M&A, Private Capital, Projects and infrastructure, Real estate and tax, TMT, Tech, Technology, alternative legal services, corporate governance, infrastructure, media and telecommunications, mining, pensions and incentives, restructuring and insolvency
At Herbert Smith Freehills, our ambition is to help you achieve your goals. Exceptional client service and the pursuit of excellence are at our core. We invest in and care about our client relationships, which is why many are incredibly longstanding. And we read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Herbert Smith Freehills founded?

Herbert Smith Freehills was founded in 2012.

Where is Herbert Smith Freehills headquartered?

Herbert Smith Freehills is headquartered in United Kingdom.

What is Herbert Smith Freehills's official website?

Herbert Smith Freehills's official website is http://www.herbertsmithfreehills.com.

What industry does Herbert Smith Freehills specialize in?

Herbert Smith Freehills specializes in Human Resources Services, Law Practice.

Where do Herbert Smith Freehills employees typically work in?

Herbert Smith Freehills employees typically work in United Kingdom, Australia, France, United States, Hong Kong SAR, Spain, Others.

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