IAV GmbH Logo


Engineering Services · Germany · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Privately Held
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AI, Agricultural Systems, Architecture & Integration, Automated Driving, Automotive Security, Autonomous driving, Battery Systems, Big Data, CO2 Efficiency, Car IT, Chassis, Combustion Engine, Connectivity &, Data Engineering, Data Science, Digital Lifecycle Management, Driver Assistance Systems, E-Traction, Electrification System, Electronics Hardware, End2End Architectures, Energy Systems, Exterior, Fuel Cell, HMI, Infotainment, Interior, KI, Powertrain, Powertrain Development, Powertrain Mechatronics, Robotics, Software & Apps, Transmissions, Vehicle Development, Vehicle Electronics, Vehicle Functions, Vehicle IT, Vehicle Safety, Vehicle Software Solutions
We develop the mobility of the future. As one of the leading global developers of innovative technology, we have been working with the big names in the automotive and mobility industry for a long time. In addition, our work extends to other areas such as robot read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was IAV GmbH founded?

IAV GmbH was founded in 1983.

Where is IAV GmbH headquartered?

IAV GmbH is headquartered in Germany.

What is IAV GmbH's official website?

IAV GmbH's official website is http://www.iav.com.

What industry does IAV GmbH specialize in?

IAV GmbH specializes in Engineering Services, Motor Vehicle Manufacturing.

Where do IAV GmbH employees typically work in?

IAV GmbH employees typically work in Germany, Morocco, France, United States, Brazil, India, Others.

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