Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) Logo

Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC)

Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals · Taiwan (Province of China) · 2 ~ 10 Employees


Company Size
2 ~ 10
Company Type
Privately Held
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Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) is a Web3 venture capital firm investing in pioneering game, Web3, infrastructure, and defi projects. We help innovate, build, and catapult forward the next generation of founders


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Leggett & Platt
Leggett & Platt
United States
Blenheim Chalcot
Blenheim Chalcot
United Kingdom
500 Global
500 Global
United States



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Where is Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) headquartered?

Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) is headquartered in Taiwan (Province of China).

What is Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC)'s official website?

Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC)'s official website is

What industry does Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) specialize in?

Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) specializes in Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals.

Where do Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) employees typically work in?

Infinity Ventures Crypto (IVC) employees typically work in Thailand, United States, Hong Kong SAR, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan (Province of China), Philippines.

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