International School - Al Koura Logo

International School - Al Koura

Education Administration Programs · Lebanon · 11 ~ 50 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
11 ~ 50
Company Type
Privately Held
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AP program, High School Diploma, Inclusive School (special needs), International Curriculum, K-12, Lebanese Baccalaureate, Managed by AMSI, Trilingual education
The International School Al Koura - IS was founded in 1985 to cater to the growing population of Lebanese families who wished to place their children in an International based schooling system. The idea of creating an international curriculum (leading to a Hig read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was International School - Al Koura founded?

International School - Al Koura was founded in 1985.

Where is International School - Al Koura headquartered?

International School - Al Koura is headquartered in Lebanon.

What is International School - Al Koura's official website?

International School - Al Koura's official website is

What industry does International School - Al Koura specialize in?

International School - Al Koura specializes in Education Administration Programs.

Where do International School - Al Koura employees typically work in?

International School - Al Koura employees typically work in Lebanon, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, Romania, Norway, Iran, Others.

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