Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות Logo

Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות

IT Services and IT Consulting · Israel · 501 ~ 1,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
501 ~ 1,000
Company Type
Public Company
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Analytical OEM, Analytics & Big Data, Cloud, Development and Excellence Centers, Digital, Microsoft Expertise, Outsourcing and Managed Services, Products Support, SAP Solutions, Service and Support Centers, Systems Development and Integration, Testing & QA (V-Ness), Training
Ness is one of Israel’s leading companies in the field of information systems, having reached this status thanks to our employees. As our main asset, for more than 15 years our employees have been and continue to be responsible for the cementing of our core bu read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות founded?

Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות was founded in 1999.

Where is Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות headquartered?

Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות is headquartered in Israel.

What is Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות's official website?

Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות's official website is

What industry does Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות specialize in?

Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות specializes in IT Services and IT Consulting.

Where do Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות employees typically work in?

Ness Technologies | נס טכנולוגיות employees typically work in Israel, India, United States, Panama, Romania, Slovakia, Others.

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