Nexllence, powered by Glintt Logo

Nexllence, powered by Glintt

IT Services and IT Consulting · Portugal · 201 ~ 500 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
201 ~ 500
Company Type
Privately Held
Social Media
Advanced Analytics, Agile development, Application Development , Business intelligence, Cibersecurity, Data Analysis, Datacenter and Cloud Management, Device Management, Digital Process Automation, Integration, Middleware / API Management, Mobile Apps, OutSystems, Service Management, Technology consultancy, Web Apps, Web Content Management
At Nexllence, we develop premium technological solutions for the organizations that will lead the digital future. We create and manage technology, which allows our customers to distinguish themselves from their competitors in the market where they operate. read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Nexllence, powered by Glintt founded?

Nexllence, powered by Glintt was founded in 2020.

Where is Nexllence, powered by Glintt headquartered?

Nexllence, powered by Glintt is headquartered in Portugal.

What is Nexllence, powered by Glintt's official website?

Nexllence, powered by Glintt's official website is

What industry does Nexllence, powered by Glintt specialize in?

Nexllence, powered by Glintt specializes in IT Services and IT Consulting.

Where do Nexllence, powered by Glintt employees typically work in?

Nexllence, powered by Glintt employees typically work in Portugal.

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