Oriflame Cosmetics Logo

Oriflame Cosmetics

Personal Care Product Manufacturing · Switzerland · 5,001 ~ 10,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
5,001 ~ 10,000
Company Type
Privately Held
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Accessories, Beauty, Beauty Products, Colour Cosmetics, Cosmetics Science, Direct Sales, Direct Selling, Entrepreneurship, Fragrance, Hair Care, Lifestyle, Personal Care, Research & Development, Skin care, Social Selling, Software, Wellness, Wellness Products
We want our people to act and fulfil their dreams through their employment with us. Every day, we aim to deliver excitement, a sense of connection, a challenge and the acknowledgment of being truly needed. Working at Oriflame means being in a global company read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Oriflame Cosmetics founded?

Oriflame Cosmetics was founded in 1967.

Where is Oriflame Cosmetics headquartered?

Oriflame Cosmetics is headquartered in Switzerland.

What is Oriflame Cosmetics's official website?

Oriflame Cosmetics's official website is https://corporate.oriflame.com/career/career.

What industry does Oriflame Cosmetics specialize in?

Oriflame Cosmetics specializes in Personal Care Product Manufacturing.

Where do Oriflame Cosmetics employees typically work in?

Oriflame Cosmetics employees typically work in Indonesia, India, Mexico, Colombia, Spain, Sweden, Others.

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