Port de Barcelona Logo

Port de Barcelona

Wholesale Import and Export · Spain · 51 ~ 200 Employees


Company Size
51 ~ 200
Company Type
Public Company
Social Media
El Port de Barcelona es la principal infraestructura de transporte y servicios de Cataluña, una de las cuatro regiones motores de Europa. Su área de influencia se extiende por el sur y centro de Europa y el norte de África. El Port de Barcelona es una puerta l read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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Where is Port de Barcelona headquartered?

Port de Barcelona is headquartered in Spain.

What is Port de Barcelona's official website?

Port de Barcelona's official website is http://www.portdebarcelona.cat.

What industry does Port de Barcelona specialize in?

Port de Barcelona specializes in Wholesale Import and Export.

Where do Port de Barcelona employees typically work in?

Port de Barcelona employees typically work in Spain, France, United States, Finland, Djibouti, Germany, Others.

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