Quess Corp Limited Logo

Quess Corp Limited

Business Consulting and Services · India · Over 10,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
Over 10,000
Company Type
Public Company
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Compliance & Payroll, Engineering Solutions, Executive Search & Recruitment, Facility Management, Food & Hospitality Services, Industrial Asset Management, Internet Business, RPO, Skill Development, Staffing, Staffing Solutions - Professional & General, Technology & Solutions
Established in 2007 and headquartered in Bengaluru, Quess is one of India’s largest private-sector employers and integrated business service providers. The company has a presence in over 64 locations across India, Southeast Asia, and North America, with a stre read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Quess Corp Limited founded?

Quess Corp Limited was founded in 2007.

Where is Quess Corp Limited headquartered?

Quess Corp Limited is headquartered in India.

What is Quess Corp Limited's official website?

Quess Corp Limited's official website is http://www.quesscorp.com/.

What industry does Quess Corp Limited specialize in?

Quess Corp Limited specializes in Business Consulting and Services, IT Services and IT Consulting, Staffing and Recruiting.

Where do Quess Corp Limited employees typically work in?

Quess Corp Limited employees typically work in India, United States, Philippines, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Others.

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