Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood Logo

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood

Gambling Facilities and Casinos · United States · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Privately Held
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Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood is the flagship casino resort of Hard Rock International, owned by the Seminole Tribe of Florida. This world-renowned entertainment, gaming and hospitality destination unveiled a $1.5 billion expansion on Oct. 24, 20 read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood founded?

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood was founded in 2004.

Where is Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood headquartered?

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood is headquartered in United States.

What is Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood's official website?

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood's official website is

What industry does Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood specialize in?

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood specializes in Gambling Facilities and Casinos.

Where do Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood employees typically work in?

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Hollywood employees typically work in United States, Dominican Republic, Mexico, United Kingdom, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Others.

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