Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) Logo

Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL)

Business Consulting and Services · Bangladesh · 51 ~ 200 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
51 ~ 200
Company Type
Privately Held
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Agriculture and Food Security, Climate and Environment, Education, Health and Nutrition, Micro, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSME), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSME), Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Water and Urban Infrastructure
Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) established in 1995, a reputed multidisciplinary management consulting company in Bangladesh and utilizes inputs from a highly competent and qualified team of over 15,000 national and international enlisted p read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) founded?

Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) was founded in 1995.

Where is Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) headquartered?

Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) is headquartered in Bangladesh.

What is Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL)'s official website?

Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL)'s official website is

What industry does Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) specialize in?

Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) specializes in Business Consulting and Services.

Where do Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) employees typically work in?

Services and Solutions International Limited (SSIL) employees typically work in Bangladesh.

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