Southend-on-Sea City Council Logo

Southend-on-Sea City Council

Civic and Social Organizations · United Kingdom · 501 ~ 1,000 Employees


Company Size
501 ~ 1,000
Company Type
Government Agency
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We are a mid-sized unitary authority in South East Essex with around 1,800 FTE roles, serving a population of 182,500 residents. We were very proud to be awarded LGC Council of the Year 2012 and have received a number of other awards including Stonewall Top read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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Where is Southend-on-Sea City Council headquartered?

Southend-on-Sea City Council is headquartered in United Kingdom.

What is Southend-on-Sea City Council's official website?

Southend-on-Sea City Council's official website is

What industry does Southend-on-Sea City Council specialize in?

Southend-on-Sea City Council specializes in Civic and Social Organizations.

Where do Southend-on-Sea City Council employees typically work in?

Southend-on-Sea City Council employees typically work in United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, Ireland, India, Others.

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