Sword Group Logo

Sword Group

IT Services and IT Consulting · Luxembourg · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Public Company
Social Media
Analyse Prédictive, Asset Finance, Assurance Qualité, Banque et Assurance, CRM, Cloud, Collaboration Digitale, Communication Client, Cyber Security, Data & AI, Data et Analytics, Data et BI, Digital, Digital Services, Digital Transformation, Digital Workplace, ECM/GED, Editique, Environnement de Travail, GRC, Gestion de Contenu, IA, Information Management, Information Voyageur, Infrastructure et Cloud, Intelligence Artificielle, Juridique, Luxe, Managed Services, Marketing Digital, Microsoft, Mobilité, Mordern Workplace, Navigation Indoor, Open Data, Platform & Security, Propriété Intellectuelle, RPA, Risk & Compliance, SIG, Santé, Search & Semantic, Secteur Public, Software Development, Sport, Union Européenne, Web Sémantique, Web et Mobile, Workspace, blockchain
Sword is a leader in data insights, digital transformation and technology services with a substantial reputation in complex IT, business projects and mission critical operations with over 3,000 Technology, Digital specialists working in more than 50 countries read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Sword Group founded?

Sword Group was founded in 2000.

Where is Sword Group headquartered?

Sword Group is headquartered in Luxembourg.

What is Sword Group's official website?

Sword Group's official website is http://www.sword-group.com.

What industry does Sword Group specialize in?

Sword Group specializes in IT Services and IT Consulting.

Where do Sword Group employees typically work in?

Sword Group employees typically work in France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Greece, Lebanon, United States, Others.

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