Yves Rocher Logo

Yves Rocher

Personal Care Product Manufacturing · France · 5,001 ~ 10,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
5,001 ~ 10,000
Company Type
Privately Held
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Beauty Brand, Beauty products, Bodycare, Botanical Beauty, Botanical Expertise, Care products, Committed Brand, Cosmetics, E-Commerce, Haircare, Makeup, Perfume, Plants, Responsible Beauty, Retail, Skincare, m-commerce
🌿 Welcome to Yves Rocher, Creator of Botanical Beauty. For 65 years, the Brand has combined botanical effectiveness and consideration of CSR issues. A pioneer in plant-based cosmetics, it is today the No.1* Beauty Brand in France, and shines in all four corn read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Yves Rocher founded?

Yves Rocher was founded in 1959.

Where is Yves Rocher headquartered?

Yves Rocher is headquartered in France.

What is Yves Rocher's official website?

Yves Rocher's official website is https://groupe-rocher.com/en/brands/yves-rocher.

What industry does Yves Rocher specialize in?

Yves Rocher specializes in Personal Care Product Manufacturing, Retail.

Where do Yves Rocher employees typically work in?

Yves Rocher employees typically work in France, Italy, Mexico, Canada, Spain, Belgium, Others.

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