British Film Institute (BFI) Logo

British Film Institute (BFI)

Movies, Videos and Sound · United Kingdom · 201 ~ 500 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
201 ~ 500
Company Type
Non Profit
Social Media
Archive Film, Film, Film Education, Film Heritage, Moving Image, TV, UK Film Culture, UK Film Distribution, UK Film Industry, UK Film Production, UK Film Strategy and Policy
We are a cultural charity, a National Lottery distributor, and the UK's lead organisation for film and the moving image. Funded by the UK Government. Our mission is: • To support creativity and actively seek out the next generation of UK storytellers • To g read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was British Film Institute (BFI) founded?

British Film Institute (BFI) was founded in 1933.

Where is British Film Institute (BFI) headquartered?

British Film Institute (BFI) is headquartered in United Kingdom.

What is British Film Institute (BFI)'s official website?

British Film Institute (BFI)'s official website is

What industry does British Film Institute (BFI) specialize in?

British Film Institute (BFI) specializes in Movies, Videos and Sound, Musicians.

Where do British Film Institute (BFI) employees typically work in?

British Film Institute (BFI) employees typically work in United Kingdom, United States, India, Germany, Italy, Japan, Others.

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