Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System Logo

Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System

Hospitality · Malta · 11 ~ 50 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
11 ~ 50
Company Type
Privately Held
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Central Reservation System, Channel Management, Content Management, Content Management System, DMCs, Distribution, Dynamic Booking Engine, Extensive Reporting, GDS Connectivity, Hotel Groups, Internet Booking Engine (including dynamic packaging with optional flights), Internet Booking Engine (including dynamic packaging with optional flights), Online Distribution, Resort Groups, Revenue Management System, Revenue Management Tools, Website Design
Busy Rooms offers an adaptable, brandable, and scalable cloud-based Central Reservation System designed to be the control center for our Customers' daily sales, marketing, operational, and revenue management activities for accommodation providers.


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When was Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System founded?

Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System was founded in 2008.

Where is Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System headquartered?

Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System is headquartered in Malta.

What is Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System's official website?

Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System's official website is http://busy-rooms.com.

What industry does Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System specialize in?

Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System specializes in Hospitality, IT Services and IT Consulting.

Where do Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System employees typically work in?

Busy Rooms Limited - Central Reservation System employees typically work in Malta, Germany, India, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Others.

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