Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 Logo

Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業

Computer Hardware Manufacturing · Taiwan (Province of China) · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Public Company
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1U Rackmount, 2U Rackmount, 3U Rackmount, 4U Rackmount, Barebone Server, Big Data, Cloud Server, Database, Hot Swap, IOT, Module Cage, NVMe, PC Chassis, Rackmount Chassis, SAS/SATA 12Gbps, Server Chassis, Storage Chassis, Tool-less Chassis, Tower Server, Vitualization
Founded in 1983, Chenbro (TWSE: 8210) has been the trailblazer in designing and manufacturing of own-brand rackmount system, tower server and PC chassis for over 40 years. Chenbro is not only qualified by the first-tier server brands and provides OEM, ODM and read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation
United States
Taiwan (Province of China)



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When was Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 founded?

Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 was founded in 1983.

Where is Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 headquartered?

Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 is headquartered in Taiwan (Province of China).

What is Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業's official website?

Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業's official website is

What industry does Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 specialize in?

Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 specializes in Computer Hardware Manufacturing.

Where do Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 employees typically work in?

Chenbro Micom | 勤誠興業 employees typically work in Taiwan (Province of China), United States, China, Singapore, United Kingdom, Others.

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