Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین Logo

Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین

Computer Hardware Manufacturing · Iran · 51 ~ 200 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
51 ~ 200
Company Type
Privately Held
Social Media
After Sales Services, Computer Memories, Distribution, Memories, Mobile Accessories, Promotion, Sales, ارائه خدمات پس از فروش در استانهای مختلف کشور
Dade Pardaz Rayaneh Matin Owner of , Kingstar, Sibraton, Lonark & Exclusive Agent of Silicon, Haylou, QCY, Energizer, Mcdodo, Remax, Apacer, & Kodak in Iran Biggest Provider of Storage Solutions in Mobile and Computer industries & Mobile accessories, Gadgets, read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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Intel Corporation
Intel Corporation
United States
Taiwan (Province of China)



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When was Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین founded?

Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین was founded in 2002.

Where is Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین headquartered?

Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین is headquartered in Iran.

What is Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین's official website?

Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین's official website is

What industry does Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین specialize in?

Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین specializes in Computer Hardware Manufacturing.

Where do Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین employees typically work in?

Dadeh Pardaz Rayaneh Matin - داده پرداز رایانه متین employees typically work in Iran, United States, Others.

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