Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. Logo

Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd.

E-Learning Providers · India · 1,001 ~ 5,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
1,001 ~ 5,000
Company Type
Privately Held
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Bagless Classroom Technology, Classroom Tablet Program, K-12 education, Premium Personal Tutor Service (PPTS), Smart Learning Solutions, Smart Study App, Smart Study Pack, Smart Study Tab, e-learning, online tutoring
Extramarks is among the fastest growing educational technology companies, with a global footprint. The company has a huge presence in India, South Africa, Indonesia and the Middle East. Extramarks has revolutionized the way education is perceived and delivered read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. founded?

Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. was founded in 2007.

Where is Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. headquartered?

Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. is headquartered in India.

What is Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd.'s official website?

Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd.'s official website is http://www.extramarks.com.

What industry does Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. specialize in?

Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. specializes in E-Learning Providers.

Where do Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. employees typically work in?

Extramarks Education India Pvt. Ltd. employees typically work in India, United States, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Japan, Others.

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