ICON plc Logo

ICON plc

Biotechnology Research · Ireland · Over 10,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
Over 10,000
Company Type
Public Company
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Adaptive Trials, CRO, Central Laboratory, Clinical Research, Clinical Research Services, Clinical Trials, Commercialisation and Outcomes, Contract Research Organisation, Drug Development, Early Phase Drug Discovery, FSP, Global Patient Insights & Engagement, Government and Public Health Solutions, Imaging Laboratory, Innovation, Late Phase Research, Medical Affairs, Medical Device, Medical Devices and Diagnostics, Oncology, Patient Recruitment, Regulatory Affairs, Staffing, Strategic Consulting, Therapeutics, Value Based Healthcare
Since our foundation in Dublin, Ireland in 1990, our mission has been to help our clients to accelerate the development of drugs and devices that save lives and improve quality of life. We do this by delivering best in class information, solutions and performa read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was ICON plc founded?

ICON plc was founded in 1990.

Where is ICON plc headquartered?

ICON plc is headquartered in Ireland.

What is ICON plc's official website?

ICON plc's official website is http://www.iconplc.com.

What industry does ICON plc specialize in?

ICON plc specializes in Biotechnology Research, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing.

Where do ICON plc employees typically work in?

ICON plc employees typically work in United States, India, Ireland, United Kingdom, Indonesia, Australia, Others.

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