KBR, Inc. Logo

KBR, Inc.

Defense and Space Manufacturing · United States · Over 10,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
Over 10,000
Company Type
Public Company
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Aerospace, Asset Management, Base Operation Support, Construction, Consulting, Cybersecurity, Defense, Directed Energy, Energy, Energy Transition, Engineering, Intel, Logistics, Military Space, Oil and gas, Operations and Maintenance, Professional Services, Program Management, Project Management, Readiness and Sustainment, Science, Space, Supply Chain, Sustainability, Sustainable Technology, Technology, government services, hydrocarbon
We deliver science, technology and engineering solutions to governments and companies around the world. KBR employs approximately 34,000 people performing diverse, complex and mission-critical roles in 33 countries. KBR is proud to work with its customers ac read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was KBR, Inc. founded?

KBR, Inc. was founded in 1919.

Where is KBR, Inc. headquartered?

KBR, Inc. is headquartered in United States.

What is KBR, Inc.'s official website?

KBR, Inc.'s official website is http://careers.kbr.com.

What industry does KBR, Inc. specialize in?

KBR, Inc. specializes in Defense and Space Manufacturing, IT Services and IT Consulting.

Where do KBR, Inc. employees typically work in?

KBR, Inc. employees typically work in United States, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Iraq, Canada, Others.

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