Northrop Grumman Logo

Northrop Grumman

Defense and Space Manufacturing · United States · Over 10,000 Employees


Company Size
Over 10,000
Company Type
Public Company
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advanced electronics, aerospace, c4isr, contracts, cyber, cyber security, defense, directed energy, electronics, engineering, information technology, logistics, manufacturing, military, software engineering, space, supply chain, systems engineering, unmanned systems
We are a close-knit community of big thinkers collaborating to keep the world safe. Our passion, creativity and expertise bring next-level technology solutions to life in autonomous systems, cyber, C4ISR, strike, space, and logistics and modernization for our read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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United States
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Where is Northrop Grumman headquartered?

Northrop Grumman is headquartered in United States.

What is Northrop Grumman's official website?

Northrop Grumman's official website is

What industry does Northrop Grumman specialize in?

Northrop Grumman specializes in Defense and Space Manufacturing.

Where do Northrop Grumman employees typically work in?

Northrop Grumman employees typically work in United States, India, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, Pakistan, Others.

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