L3 Technologies Logo

L3 Technologies

Defense and Space Manufacturing · United States · Over 10,000 Employees


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Company Size
Over 10,000
Company Type
Public Company
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L3 provides products for the global ISR market, aircraft upgrades and sustainment, and a broad range of electronic systems products, cybersecurity, high-performance computing, high-performance computing, cybersecurity, including MW & SATCOM products, security & detection and more., simulation
With headquarters in New York City and approximately 31,000 employees worldwide, L3 develops advanced defense technologies and commercial solutions in pilot training, aviation security, night vision and EO/IR, weapons, maritime systems and space. The company r read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was L3 Technologies founded?

L3 Technologies was founded in 1997.

Where is L3 Technologies headquartered?

L3 Technologies is headquartered in United States.

What is L3 Technologies's official website?

L3 Technologies's official website is http://www.l3tjobs.com/.

What industry does L3 Technologies specialize in?

L3 Technologies specializes in Defense and Space Manufacturing.

Where do L3 Technologies employees typically work in?

L3 Technologies employees typically work in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, India, Brazil, France, Others.

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