Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. Logo

Merry Electronics Co., Ltd.

Computers and Electronics Manufacturing · Taiwan (Province of China) · 201 ~ 500 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
201 ~ 500
Company Type
Public Company
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Battery, Bluetooth headsets, Li-Fe PO4 battery packs, Li-Polymer, Li-lon, Medical / Healthcare, Microphones, SIP, Speakers, hands-free and noise canceling headsets and electret condenser microphones., headsets, high-performance and high-power speakers, layer-3 audio (MP3) headsets, slim receivers, vehicle car-kits
MERRY Builds Extraordinary Sound for Global Brands As a world-leading manufacturer of electroacoustic products, Merry Electronics was established in 1975, and specializes in the design and manufacture of earphones, headsets, speakers, microphones, batteries, read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. founded?

Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 1975.

Where is Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. headquartered?

Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Taiwan (Province of China).

What is Merry Electronics Co., Ltd.'s official website?

Merry Electronics Co., Ltd.'s official website is

What industry does Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. specialize in?

Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. specializes in Computers and Electronics Manufacturing.

Where do Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. employees typically work in?

Merry Electronics Co., Ltd. employees typically work in Taiwan (Province of China), China, United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, Others.

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