Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran Logo

Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran

Public Health · Iran · 201 ~ 500 Employees


Company Size
201 ~ 500
Company Type
Government Agency
Social Media
The Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) has executive responsibility for health and medical education within the Iranian government. Iran's health system is highly centralized, and almost all decisions regarding general goals, policies and alloca read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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Where is Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran headquartered?

Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran is headquartered in Iran.

What is Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran's official website?

Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran's official website is

What industry does Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran specialize in?

Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran specializes in Public Health, Wellness and Fitness Services.

Where do Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran employees typically work in?

Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran employees typically work in Iran, Canada, United States, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Others.

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