NIIT Limited Logo

NIIT Limited

Education Administration Programs · India · 5,001 ~ 10,000 Employees


Founded Year
Company Size
5,001 ~ 10,000
Company Type
Public Company
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Advisory Services, Banking, Business Development, Career/Employability/Placement programs, Country Level Solution Architect, Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation offerings, Education and Skills, Financial Services, IT Education, Learning Administration, Learning Content Development, Learning Delivery, Learning Technologies, Managed Training Services, Partnerships, Policy Design, Skill and careers, Source-Train-Hire, Strategic Sourcing, e-Learning
NIIT Ltd. is a leading skills & talent development corporation, set up in 1981 to help the nascent IT industry overcome its human resource challenges. To meet the manpower challenges in BFSI sector, NIIT established Institute for Finance, Banking, and Insuranc read more company news read more company news read more company news read more company news...


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When was NIIT Limited founded?

NIIT Limited was founded in 1981.

Where is NIIT Limited headquartered?

NIIT Limited is headquartered in India.

What is NIIT Limited's official website?

NIIT Limited's official website is

What industry does NIIT Limited specialize in?

NIIT Limited specializes in Education Administration Programs.

Where do NIIT Limited employees typically work in?

NIIT Limited employees typically work in India, United States, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Ghana, Bhutan, Others.

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